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Avelis is the name of the world on which our heroes land in Story Arc 2: Into Avelis, consisting of many cities, continents, and countries.

On this island, only gods, demi-gods, or people blessed by gods have magic abilities, which gives the trio an opportunity to goof around and play gods.

You can meet folk from all the races who inhabited Estra, however, they mostly stay separate (unlike Estra). They look pretty much the same, but tieflings have wings and can fly. They speak a different/newer form of Common, and the language of Estrans is considered Old Common.


It's an island, which consists of three parts:

  1. Rok (on the North-East) - where arcs 2 through 5 take place
  2. Berun (on the West)
  3. Vola (on the South)


Known/major cities (as from the map):

Notable Locations[]

  • Fang Lake - where once a giant crab dwelled (until it was viciously killed by the guardians).
  • Torva's Jaw - mountain range where Torva lives and keeps his goodies.
  • The Temple of Iol
  • The Oasis Market - the oasis on which Laika and Maeri collapsed, and where Fran and Corbin came and where they met Prof. Sha.
  • Long Castle
  • The Farah Mountains - where the heroes encountered two travellers and Fran cast the Fart Spell for the first time.
  • The Tower of Pavilla - where Pavilla lays in rest and does cool dream magic.
  • The Red Fields - blood red, toxic field created by Torva, orcs live in the caves underneath.
  • The Red Caves - A complicated cave system under The Red Feilds, where a tribe of orcs dwell, it is full of monsters and is also where Slake is from.


Avelis has been ended four times - including the time Torva burned the world, and Estra was raised by Ki.
